
December 30, 2008

( though my com has been reformatted, dohhhh T-T)

thanks Nessa-h for updating Yours Truly's blog
& even explained what's Alegria-H (hehe,)
My gaoxz, so fast and it's like 2009 soon.
(seemed like id just adapted to the JC system)

I guess i can say it's been one amazing and awesome-maxed year!
Many downs but nonetheless, always lifted in the end :D

"It's not how you start, but how you end.."
This phrase cannot be more apt for this year! ^^
I guess it's all about emerging stronger, as a conqueror, and really grow from the things that tried to stumble us from our Faith.

This year, has been a blast!
Many renewed friendships, those that i've always treasured.
Many eternal friendships forged, those that are really heaven-sent.
Many God-engineered challenges, those that really made me so much stronger and wiser.
Many fulfilled promises from God, those that I've never expected, and once again show me that He's ever faithful. ^^

& most importantly,
the many epic moments i have in God's presence that assures me of His Love.

This is why, i'm still here running, dashing even..FOLLOWSHIP EXEMPLIFIED AMEN? ^^


Your heart it lives in mine, 11:33 PM.
December 27, 2008


means 'Joy' in Portuguese.

According to Joy, the additional 'H' at the end symbolizes the Breath of God (Phil Pringle, 2008) in her life- akin to how God changed Sarai to Sarah and Abram to Abraham.

Now you know (Y)

Joy wants to say that today's sermon was powerful (as usual!) and will BRB for her blog once her computer is o-k :-)

God bless Joy and her church for the amazing breakthrough tomorrow!!

With love and in prayer,
(Guestblogger4unforseen circumstances, haha)

Your heart it lives in mine, 10:20 PM.
December 25, 2008


Christmas Eve service was such a blast!
"The lost is found by the people who love them"

Wahhh, melt my Heart, it was then when I realised, I'm definitely Found!

really miss the old school cute messages we send to each other all the time.
""if a fat man comes into ur room at midnight & shoves you into a bag don't be scared its cos i told santa i wanted a friend like you for xmas!""

This would be the time I don't mind being kidnapped.
Provided that I don't fall into a chimney,
(not that we have it in singapore, BUT STILL, maybe Hogwarts style would do the trick.^^)

Joy of Giving!
Amidst all the fun and gifts, let's not forget why we even celebrate this day.
Because on this day, the Son of God was birthed and lived among us, (as a sheep with us)
2 years ago this day, i stepped into Heart of God church for the first time.
I'm proud to say I've never checked out, and even made a Sanctuary there.
I'm planning to keep it this way, because I know I'm Home.


Your heart it lives in mine, 1:02 AM.
December 24, 2008

Hello Yellow, me is back at Bloggerr on Christmas Eve 08! ^^


Your heart it lives in mine, 10:36 PM.


Child of God
part time student,
full time Christian!
hoGc, E-ONE
Psalm 46:10
"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Garrett! Jamie!
Maryse! Wendy!
Adri Alvi April Becks Douglas Fion Gabriel Lee Janelle Jaslyn JiaYang Liz Michelle Minting Nessa Sze Wei Wanchun Wenxiong Yan Rui Zoe

get one from cbox!
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